Monday, 13 January 2014

A busy weekend

We were busy little things this weekend. A first birthday party for all the babies born to my antenatal class, with lots of noise, creating mess with salt dough and cereal, and lots of cake. A dreaded trip to a large DIY store (what a shame I had to stay in the car with a sleeping baby, much preferable to trawling the isles for plumbing paraphernalia). And then lots of this:

Two coats, on top of the one we did last weekend, to get the walls to something approaching a blank canvas. The walls were such a bright purple even three coats didn't quite manage it.

Then some test patches, and deciding that the barely visible peachy colour (English muffin apparently) would probably work the best. It's a pretty small room with a dark carpet that's not worth replacing, so a light colour is a must. As it's going to be baby R's room, there will be lots of other things there to lend colour and brighten it all up. Here's hoping she doesn't decide that crayon would be a lovely splash of colour. One careful coat of paint later and the room's looking lovely.

After all that, I had a well deserved soak in a hot bubbly bath, listening to my husband playing guitar and my baby giggling with joy at the music. Bliss.

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