My baby is one!
A whole year old. It seems like she's been in our life such a short time, but what a time that's been! Such a character - wanting to be on her feet from when she was a tiny little thing, and wanting to walk everywhere now (and as she can't quite walk on her own, she needs a hand to get everywhere). She is so serious when out and about, taking everything in, making sure she's completely comfortable in her space before she'll smile. People she doesn't know are met with a penetrating stare, as if she's trying to work out their secrets, and not letting a glimmer of expression pass her features. Once she's sussed it all out though, she'll be off, exploring the next thing, dragging you behind her, or she'll relax and play with whatever is to hand. She's keen on trying all foods, but is quite clear on letting you know what she does and doesn't like, hence the chocolate cake. She's definitely likes chocolate, and who am I to argue with a chocolate cake!
She had a wonderful day on her birthday. We had a fair amount of family round which she loved. It's great to see her so happy to be with them, and enjoying being the centre of attention. Lots of presents arrived too, and she had a wonderful time opening them and fully investigating their potential. Nothing was a one-hit-wonder either, everything has been played with and enjoyed since, so well done everyone on your great choices!
We had friends round the next day which was also good fun. Luckily everyone arrived and left at well staggered times, so we didn't have hordes of toddlers at any one time. Only one minor toy casualty occurred, to an older toy which was easily fixed. I was expecting far worse so it was nice to be surprised.
Here is the scene on Monday, as we tried to bring some sort of an order to the toys. This is after some of them had been taken up to her room (did I mention that it was finished and she's been happily sleeping in it for a few weeks?) and yet more are in other places around the room.
I'm quite surprised at how happy I am to have them about the place. Individually most of them are lovely (the odd hand-me-down, charity shop or toy library loaned ones are tat) but when they're all together they do tend to get a bit in-your-face. It feels a bit like having them everywhere shows that she's welcome everywhere, shows that I'm proud to have my daughter as such a big part of my life. And I am most definitely proud of her, and love her so much, and am enjoying this new life of mine. Here's to a whole year of being a mum, and to my wonderful daughter being a whole one year old.
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