Yep, it has been rather a while since my last post. That's down to a rather busy few weeks, so hopefully I've got some interesting things to share! First up is what originally distracted me from blogging: a vast swathe of wild garlic that was just asking to be used.
I've only just noticed the ivy leaf in there! I did sort through the leaves, so I'm pretty sure I removed it! It's a huge amount of leaves, and my mum took away a similar amount. It was a drop in the ocean compared to what was there.
Some I used to make some garlic bread, but the majority got turned into pesto.
I loosely based it on this recipe from the brilliant Emma Bradshaw. I skipped the Parmesan so that P could eat it, and so I could easily divide it up and freeze it in little batches. It's extremely strong, and extremely yummy, and I've been enjoying it for many a lunchtime.
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