I baked one of Lucy's loaves using some seeded flour, grabbed some nibbles on the way and we were all set for a picnic!
We followed the activity trail through the woods, and stopped for our picnic here. This seemed like the best spot: it wasn't on the path, it didn't involve trampling through the woods and it was pretty. The only downside was standing up from time to time when children actually wanted to use the balance beams ;)
The woods were stunning; all the beech leaves out in their spring fresh greens, and some glorious sunshine to highlight them.
It's got to be one of my favourite sights, the sun shining through baby leaves. It's one that surprises me every year, I forget just how fresh and beautiful they can be.
The park was designed by Capability Brown, and so occasionally you come across some great views.
The design style is to mimic nature rather than anything formal, and it definitely felt like a lovely natural place to be. The mansion at the heart of it was never finished, and we didn't visit as we preferred to be outside on such a sunny day. The field at the bottom of the valley was filled with buttercups, and lined with cow parsley. I just love our native wild flowers, but apparently my camera doesn't as it refused to take any close-ups of them. So here's some more gorgeously green trees.
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